Your Time is Not Integrable
Time is limited, right?
Are you often frustrated because you have a million of things to do and 24 hours are not enough? Do you feel you are not accomplishing that much at the end of the day? Do you find yourself postponing important things and engaging in secondary tasks? Well, if your answer is "Yes", welcome on board!
Time management is often pain management (I got it from Nir Eyal). Because we don't like uncertainty, boredom and fear of failure, we often focus on "easy things", and we procrastinate key tasks. Even worse, we don't see a clear connection between what we truly value in life and how we invest our time and energy. The result of this is lack of motivation and lethargy.
To help yourself, follow these steps:
1. Plan not only your day, but your entire week.
- What do I want to achieve by the end of this week?
- What are the key 3 things I need to focus on every day, in order to achieve my weekly goal?
- To what do I need to say no?
2. Get clear about your values
- What are my 5 most important values in life?
- Among them, what are the top 3?
- How am I honoring these values in my everyday life?
- What activities/actions will I do to express my values in my life?
3. Align your life values with your job values
- What are the values of my company/team?
- How could I express my values in my job?
- What activities will I then start to do?
Take these first steps, and explore how your routine and your level of daily satisfaction is going to change. Please keep me posted, if you don't mind.
If you are interested in going deeper, I developed a self-paced online coaching program, with my individual support aside. For more info click here.
I hope this will help you,
Thank you, never give up, and be well!